Wednesday, March 5, 2008

just a thought...

so i think that maybeeee it would be cool to discuss the next book to read.  rather than putting all of the pressure on tim to round up the troops to make a decision we could all figure it out on here.  so maybe we can just start a dialog and all give our opinions as to which book we think would be good to read next and why...  here are the options up for choosing:

"the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay" michael chabon
"a fairwell to arms" or "for whom the bell tolls" ernest hemingway
"a ship made of paper" scott spencer
"out of the silent planet" c.s. lewis
"david copperfield" charles dickens
"the end of faith" sam harris
"god bless you mr. rosewater" or "cat's cradle" kurt vonnegut

 - my suggestions were the sam harris one or the kurt vonnegut.  they are completly different kinds of reading.  "the end of faith" would be more just for the sake of good discussion and vonnegut is just my favorite fiction writer so there's that...
ok peace,


amber said...

ok, so i suggested all the other books mentioned...kavalier and clay i've read and it was amazing, really really fantastic. i thought everyone would truly enjoy it and there are a lot of great things to discuss.
however, i don't mind what we read next because we have lots and lots of time to read everything we want. i just finished a book of short stories by hemmingway and i really want to read a farewell to arms. so if i have to vote, i vote for a farewell to arms or the adventures of kavalier and clay.
as a selling point, tim, in the book, kavalier and clay are comic book writers!

or, i also vote for letters to a young poet by rainer maria rilke. it wasn't mentioned but i just got a letter from rosie that included a quote from the book and it helped me sleep better last night. so, i'm changing my mind and i vote we read letters to a young poet next.

d. vanheule said...

farewell to arms is one i've really wanted to read for a long time.

rosie said...
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Matt Pool said...

I'd be down to read the space trilogy. I've been wanting to for a bit. But I don't think my vote holds any weight, as I am in school, and would find it near impossible to read anything. But I'd be down to TRY and read the space trilogy.

p.s. Derikas, I owe you a call.

rosie said...

Farewell to Arms has my vote, unless otherwise decided at the meeting. Basically I'll read what ever you tell me :). Also, I will be posting my throughts about The Road. Even though you guys already discussed it. I want to pretend .