Monday, September 1, 2008


Yesterday, I enjoyed Everything That Rises Must Converge. I read it on the bus...which was so fitting. The son's arrogance disturbed me more than the mother's racism. That isn't prolific or anything, just a thought. I am, now, even more intrigued by O'Connor than before. Did you know her and Thomas Merton had an almost "kinship" with one another? I'm not sure they ever met in person but they would exchange work through letters and mutual friends.
Here she is with one of her peacocks. She's got a sly look about her, like she knows a funny secret. Which I thinks is a good description of her writing: a sly, funny and genius secret.
Anywhoo, that's all I got. I wish I could attend the meeting of the minds. I will read the rest and post before this weekend. Love, Rosie.

1 comment:

mackenzie said...

Right on Rosie. I'm so glad to hear your thoughts on Flannery. You put into words the reason I'm such a big fan of hers: she loves to expose the ugliness in people--especially the Self Righteous. She'll take something widely considered to be socially unacceptable and pit it against a less regarded sin to kind of reverse the roles of right and wrong(?) Plus, she's all about the unexpected, horrific endings. I like the gritty, realistic (if not negativistic)point of view with which she writes about racism, social classes and Christianity. Plus I don't know about you guys, but it's pretty convicting to me when I get all pious and pompous.

My fave short story of hers is "Good Country People". A super satisfying read.
